For far too long the construction industry along with many others have failed to treat subjects around mental health seriously.
Join Toby Peacock as he talks through these topics to discuss ways to improve awareness and break down the barriers surrounding mental health across an array of industries.
He will also be joined by various guests who will be discussing their own mental health struggles, the impact these struggles can have on personal and professional lives, whilst also providing any advice they can offer.
Previously featured on TALKsport and The BBC.
Listen to Tearoom Talks - The podcast breaking the stigma.
Available on all major podcast streaming platforms such as Amazon music, Spotify, Apple podcasts, Deezer, Samsung Podcasts.
Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and on the website are that of the individual and do not represent views of businesses, brands or other individuals if mentioned. Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the information shared is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors. The content here is for informational and educational purposes only. Information expressed on financial, business and health matters have not been verified. For approved advice please consult a professional.
The Tearoom Talks Podcast was created by Toby Peacock from his own experiences of mental health struggles while working in the construction industry. It aims to educate and spread awareness to others while offering advice to those who may be in need of it!
The podcast is available on all major podcast streaming apps! Find it simply by searching for 'Tearoom Talks'. Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or Acast website! Alternatively click some of the social links above!
Yes it is completely free to listen to!
We aim to cover all topics around mental health! Some topics aren't easy to talk about but that is why they need to be brought to the light! Most episodes will contain themes of depression, anxiety, medication, panic attacks, gender, sexuality, self harm, suicide.
It aims to spread more awareness on topics surrounding mental health for all. It was created as a free and safe space to talk about important topics that not all people will get the chance to achieve for free. It aims to help others in finding advice in finding help, types of therapy, dealing with tough situation all while sharing personal experiences to show you are not alone!
Yes! We have various contact methods via social media platforms however you can easily contact us at -